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The future of our club is in you hands!

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Eltham RUFC clubhouse on Thursday Nov 30th, starting at 7pm. There are a number of vacancies to be filled on our Committee, including President. Vice-President and Secretary.

If we cannot fill these positions, the Eltham Rugby Club will cease to be operational in 2024.

Have you ever stopped to think who is responsible for arranging new kit such as training and playing tops? Polos? Who marks out our ground each week? Liaises with Council and Rugby Victoria? Organises playing schedules and player assessments? Runs the bar and canteen? Presentation Days? All of these activities and more are carried out by a handful of dedicated volunteers, typically Committee members who also fill other team roles. If we do not have a functional Committee, we will not have a rugby club in 2024. If you enjoy the rugby experience that is Eltham RUFC, then please, come to the AGM and volunteer as a Committee member